Rhodesian Ridgeback kennel KHOISAN


In the Heart of Responsible Breeding

Breeding is a careful and thoughtful process for us. We don’t breed our female dogs just because they have reached the age of reproduction, but rather we conduct thorough research and checks to ensure that all the necessary criteria are met before we consider having a litter.

Our dogs must be mature enough to undergo temperament and health checks to ensure the well-being of their offspring.

We prioritize selecting psychologically sound, stable, physically fit, and healthy dogs for breeding. We prefer our breeding dogs to have proven their quality through health checks and the development of their temperament.

We value it when our breeding dogs have achieved titles in dog shows or other canine sports, as it highlights their exceptional abilities. Nonetheless, this is not a mandatory requirement for us to consider them for breeding. However, they must meet the breeding standards and regulations that apply in our country.

We are a kennel located in Slovenia and we take pride in breeding dogs under the Slovenian Kennel Club. We follow the rules set by FCI and have obtained an FCI Section 6 country breeding license. Our dedication to responsible and ethical breeding practices ensures that our dogs are healthy, have good temperament and overall well-being. We maintain stringent standards to achieve excellence in breeding and uphold our commitment to ethical breeding.

Our first litter

The year 2024 holds a special significance for us as we eagerly anticipate the realization of a long-awaited dream – our first litter. This year marks the culmination of our years of dedication, meticulous planning, and unwavering commitment to responsible breeding.

 We have been preparing for this moment for years. (smile) 

Before this, we had the pleasure of watching our male produce offspring all over the world. As we use him for our first litter, which we had special approval from our kennel club for, we are waiting with humble anticipation to see what nature will bring us.

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